Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Sloane's first haircut!

FINALLY! After 2+ years, Sloane finally has enough hair to cut without it being completely obvious! I decided it was time after watching her for awhile run around with it hanging directly over her eyes and obstructing her vision. Yes, it was time. Fortunately, Aunt Julie had an appointment with Tas Caldara, our fantastic friend and hairdresser. The plan was to take Sloane in while Julie was processing and that she would sit quietly and patiently and get her hair cut. Well....I've learned that with Sloane, the best laid plans can come quickly unraveled.

Actually, it wasn't ALL that bad. Tas busted out the booster seat and cute little cape with surfing penguins on it. Not long after wetting her hair, however, we realized that she wasn't going to sit quietly without a bribe. In public places, I'm never above a good bribe and I happened to have a secret weapon in the diaper bag - a BLOWPOP SUCKER! Great idea, right?? I watched her unwrap the sucker and sit still while Tas began cutting her hair. As I was silently congratulating myself on a job well done, I slowly began to see why we don't give suckers at haircuts. Mortified, we watched as each newly cut hair from her head gravitated toward and stuck on her sucker. Gross. Sloane didn't seem to notice or care. Even more gross. Julie said just watching it made her tongue itch and she felt like she was coughing up hairballs for the rest of the day. Sloane's first haircut was certainly unforgettable - especially after seeing the finished product!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

now we go home and I get you naked and see the little bald spot that won't have hair for years and give you something better than a sucker for your sweet little mouth, mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm swallow baby swallow